Pathfinding Visualization

An interactive Pathfinding Visualization tool built in Python using Pygame with A* and Dijkstras Algorithm implemented. It also contains Maze Generation using Depth-first search and Breath-first search algorithms.

Sorting Visualization

A program which visualizes different sorting algorithms. Merge Sort, Quick Sort and Bubble Sort but the program is scalable and supports any algorithm.

Image recognition for
data gathering

Worked as a research assistant with a climate scientist and Developed a program which analyzed images from a Willfine camera and reatuned an excel, csv, or json file containing the data (date, time and temperature). It also gathers the temperature from a local weather station, using the SMHI-metobs API, as a second point of reference due to mistrust in the camera thermometer (Shown in the graph).


A python written program that simulates a pandemic based on the SIR model where the user can change and test different, infection-, recovery- and mortality rate as well as a spread rate which represents the chance for the virus to appear anywhere else on the map.

Fullstack Web Application

Co-developed a fullstack web application using Python, Flask, Jinja2, SQLAlchemy, HTML, CSS. The Application uses the Google Calendar API and multiple Local Traffic APIs from Trafiklab to present a time describing when to set alarm the next morning. The gif shows the use of the Traffic API.