About me


Throughout my life i have always liked school and learning new things. However, my true interest for acquiring new and interesting knowledge came in 7th grade where we started to get graded. In the begining I only chased high grade for the sake of high grades but as time went on i started to relise that when i chased the higher grades the subjects where getting increasingly interesting and intriguing. This resulted in me developing a motivation and passion for learning.

Passion and Time management

Time is a concept i find disturbingly restrictive. I like Playing Video Games, Programming, Hanging out with friends and family, studying, learning, investing, et.c. But there is not enough time in the world to do all these fun things. When I was younger this caused many problems where i overbooked and overworked myself to fit everything in the schedule. This yielded a lot of stress and anxiety and thankfully that made me rethink time management as a whole. I started putting effort to managing my free time i also improved my work efficiency by structuring my day in addition to prioritizing what needs to be done over what can be done.